The conference “STEPS Towards Sustainable Plastics” presented insights from national and international speakers and organisations on the various aspects for a sustainable plastic system such as decoupling plastic production from fossil resources, polymer and plastic design, recycling methods, policies and governance for a circular plastics economy.
Who was it for? A broad audience including researchers from universities and organisations, students, industry scientists and managers, policy makers, and civil society.
Date and time: The conference started 7 October 12:00 and ended 9 October 13:00. “STEPS Towards Sustainable Plastics” was an exclusively onsite conference.
Location: Stadshallen, Stortorget 9, Lund, Sweden
Conference programme, 7 - 9 October
Plenary speakers and Contributors
The conference was organised by STEPS, Sustainable Plastics and Transition Pathways. STEPS research programme was initiated in 2016. Our vision is a future society in which plastics are sustainably developed, produced, used and recycled in a circular economy. It is led by Lund University.
STEPS is based on close collaboration between our researchers and industry partners. Our consortium includes Lund University, University of Copenhagen, RISE, IVL, 22 industrial partners and the Regional Council of Scania.
STEPS is funded by Mistra Stiftelsen för miljöstrategisk forskning.
STEPS Consortium
IDA Polymer was a marketing partner in the conference and has kindly shared information about the event with its networks.